This artwork was released by Jamie Reid in September 2019 after McDonald’s ran a television and print advertising campaign in the UK, lifting his graphic style and colourways straight from
Never Mind The Bollocks. The tv ad in particular was about as unpunk as it is possible to be. It shows a British teenager in a Capri with his Dad visiting McDonald’s. A vaguely punk-looking server in a McDonald’s uniform is at the drive-thru window. It caused a derisory response on social media. No one with a punk heart wanted to be culturally associated with the US fast food chain.
As Reid said:
“I’ve just done a campaign against McDonald’s who rip my work off terribly, and if it’s done by corporate people I hate it, but it’s fairly inevitable . . . in many ways creative arts and the establishment . . . anything that comes up new they try to rip it off to try and make money out of it.” Signed in pen by Jamie Reid and numbered 6 out of the limited edition of 500. Print size 650mm x 500mm with black frame to 850mm x 650mm.